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JPhotoBrush Pro Free Download


This is a Multi Platform Image Editing/Enhancement/Retouch Application written in Java offering various filters, effects and transformation with user friendly interface. Offering a phenomenal range of adjustment for most effects, you will find many features not found on expensive commercial editors. It has been successfully tested in Windows(9x/NT/2000/XP), Linux, solaris,OS/2,Macintosh and IRIX . With JPhotoBrush you can, among many other things: * Open JPG,GIF,PNG,BMP, uncompressed TIFF and TGA images. * Save images in JPG,GIF,BMP,PNG,TIFF,TGA formats. * Browse thumbnails of images from a directory and zip/jar files * Correct image brightness, contrast, RGB, Gamma, Invert colors * Use filters to Sharpen, smoothen, detect edge, emboss or use custom filter. * Add effects like frosted glass,mosaic,venetian blinds,scramble,camera effects, solarize, wave, spotlight, oil paint, blend/merge images etc. * select regions as layers which can be moved/dragged/copied/cut/deleted and pasted as new seleciton or image. Image operaitons can be perfomred on selected region rather than on the whole image. * different types of Fancy Text (rotated, 3D, shadowed etc) which can be dragged/ copied/cut/pasted/deleted. * Remove noise * View Histogram and equalize histogram * transform image - flip, rotate, shear, resize * draw/fill shapes- rectangle, ellipse, lines, freehand * warp(deform) image, overlay several images * zoom in/zoom out, view full screenshot * See print preview and Print images in multiple pages * add third party effect plugins and look and feel plugins * drag and drop support. Plus lots of features are added in each release. Requires JDK 1.3 or higher.

Tags: image, editor, graphics, photo, manipulation, java, swings, tanveer, rameez

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