Improve the video watching experience by using the Clickberry tool to make your videos interactive. With Clickberry's technology, you can tag objects, add links, pop-ups, pictures and Facebook likes directly into the video. These features encourage purchases and comments, provide relevant information and make the video content dynamic and relevant.
Normally, if you want information about something on a video, you have to navigate away from the site, do a search and filter the results. Using Clickberry, the information can be placed at the viewer's fingertips. With the pop-up or sidebar feature, information can be presented directly on the video. Thus, increasing how long people stay on your site and the number of clicks the page receives. These actions will improve your company's SEO results.
Facebook and other social media platforms often gauge the popularity of a company. With Clickberry you can get viewers to directly Like an object, or item that appears in the video. This Like is shared with their peers increasing the popularity and knowledge of that particular item. When you have people sharing the video on their Facebook pages, you increase your audience and the number of potential customers. If you want to share your videos with your family and friends, tag them in the video and add a link to their Facebook profile. This is similar to tagging someone in a Facebook photo. Again these actions also help to improve your company's SEO results.
By using the shopping cart widget consumers have the ability to purchase items instantly. You can also put relevant product information directly in the video. So there is no need to navigate away from your page. By removing the extra steps of searching and finding the info they need to make a purchase decision, you keep customers on your page longer, make the processes easier and increase the likelihood of a purchase.
Tags: video, facebook, social, etsy, ebay, ging, editing, editor, tool, effects, interactive, camera, photo, rich media, clickable