Software Developer > Compilers & Interpreters
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ActiveState ActiveTcl (Win64)
ActiveTcl from ActiveState is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Tcl distribution, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (Solaris, AIX and HP-UX available in Business or Enterprise Edition). Developers worldwide rely on ActiveTcl. - Send your Rss Feeds - Easily Send your Rss Feeds for free. Don't want a website or a blog, simply paste your text and register your url for free. It takes you less than 30 seconds to send a feed.
HF ExeScript
HF ExeScript is a program that quickly converts batch files (.bat), VBS and JS scripts to executable files (.exe). It also protects contents of .bat, .vbs and .js files from being changed by other users accidentally or intentionally.
GetPaid Plus Script
If you want to create and manage from a simple get paid to click, get paid to read email or get paid to surf site to a professionally structured affiliate program, GetPaidPlus script is the tool you are looking for. Let this powerful software...
Traffic Plus Script
Traffic Plus, Your 24x7 Content Creator That Will Seduce The Search Engines into Giving You Top Rankings ...Guaranteed!
Komodo IDE (Windows)
Komodo IDE from ActiveState is a powerful integrated development environment for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript
Komodo IDE (Mac OS X/Intel)
Komodo IDE from ActiveState is a powerful integrated development environment for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript
Komodo IDE (Mac OS X/PowerPC)
Komodo IDE 5 is a powerful, multi-platform, multi-language IDE for dynamic language, web and team development.
Komodo IDE (Linux/x86 libstdc++6)
Komodo IDE from ActiveState is a powerful integrated development environment for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript
Komodo IDE (Linux/x86 libstdc++5)
Komodo IDE 4 is a powerful, multi-platform, multi-language IDE for end-to-end development of dynamic web applications. Komodo IDE makes creating robust web apps fast and easy, with a rich feature set for client-side Ajax technologies.
Komodo Edit (Windows)
Komodo Edit from ActiveState: a free, multi-platform, multi-language editor (PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Tcl, JavaScript plus more). With background syntax checking and coloring catch errors immediately, while autocomplete and calltips guide you.
Komodo Edit (Mac OS X/Intel)
Komodo Edit from ActiveState: a free, multi-platform, multi-language editor (PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Tcl, JavaScript plus more). With background syntax checking and coloring catch errors immediately, while autocomplete and calltips guide you.
Komodo Edit (Linux/x86 libstdc++6)
Komodo Edit from ActiveState: a free, multi-platform, multi-language editor (PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Tcl, JavaScript plus more). With background syntax checking and coloring catch errors immediately, while autocomplete and calltips guide you.
Creation of sessions for relaxation, meditation, learning, focus, sleep induction, easen of morning awakening. Improvement of study results, anxiety disorders and seasonal depressions can be achieved. Generated file is in mp3 format.
Credit Card Affiliate Plus Script
Credit Card Affiliate Script Build and maintain your own credit card affiliate Are you looking to make money in the multi billion dollar credit card industry? You ve came to the right place.
Komodo IDE (Linux libcpp6)
Komodo IDE 4 is a powerful, multi-platform, multi-language IDE for end-to-end development of dynamic web applications. Komodo IDE makes creating robust web apps fast and easy, with a rich feature set for client-side Ajax technologies.
Traffic Booster Plus Script
Booster Plus SEO - RSS script Search Engine Optimization Auto Pilot Software by seo specialist. Get indexed fast with this Booster Plus SEO Tool powerful software with RSS randomizer and RSS content rewriter.
Komodo IDE (Linux libcpp5)
Komodo IDE 4 is a powerful, multi-platform, multi-language IDE for end-to-end development of dynamic web applications. Komodo IDE makes creating robust web apps fast and easy, with a rich feature set for client-side Ajax technologies.
Profitable Ebay Plus Script
Ebay Plus Script The Ebay RSS Script for PHP based websites. The Easy Niche Store Script is a PHP script that PLUGS IN to your existing (PHP based) website or existing Ecommerce site to allow you to display Ebay products via RSS.
Profitable Adsense search portal
Adsense Plus is the ultimate AdSense search portal script. It allows you to get over 20 CTR on your ads, and earn additional money form Ebay, Amazon and Clickbank affiliate programs.
Affiliate Price Comparisons Plus Script
Price Comparison Plus Script is a php/mysql based comparison site where visitors can compare products from different merchants before buying them.
Get Paid Plus Script
If you want to create and manage from a simple get paid to click, get paid to read email or get paid to surf site to a professionally structured affiliate program, GetPaidPlus script is the tool you are looking for. Let this powerful software...
Tcl Dev Kit
The Tcl Dev Kit (TDK) provides essential tools for Tcl programmers, making it easy to create, build and deploy applications. Rapidly deploy Tcl applications to a broad range of platforms, as ready-to-run executables, starkits or starpacks.
CASL is a rapid application development environment which allows you to create applications for Palm, PocketPC
and Windows. The language syntax is easy to learn, powerful enough for creating commercial
applications. CASL is a Free download.
Komodo IDE (Linux/x86_64 libstdc++6)
Komodo IDE from ActiveState is a powerful integrated development environment for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript
ActiveState ActiveTcl (Windows)
ActiveTcl from ActiveState is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Tcl distribution, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (Solaris, AIX and HP-UX available in Business or Enterprise Edition). Developers worldwide rely on ActiveTcl.
Astrobe is an integrated development system for writing efficient 32-bit native code ARM software to run on the NXP LPC2000 family of microcontrollers. Use it to develop both high- and low-level software without having to use assembler or C.
JadRetro for Linux
JadRetro is a command-line utility that could help You to successfully decompile Java classes created by the modern Java compilers (of Java 1.4, Java 1.5 or later). JadRetro is not a decompiler itself, it is a class transformer for decompilers.
JCGO is a software product which translates (converts) programs written in Java into platform-independent C code, which could, further, be compiled (by third-party tools) into highly-optimized native code for the target platform and deployed.
ExeScript Bat To Exe
ExeScript Bat to Exe is aimed towards system administrators and software developers who want to be able to compile and convert batch files and various common scripting formats into executable files for easier distribution and usability.
Sun Java JRE
Sun Java JRE 6 Update
Total Resource Changer
Total Resource Changer changes version variables of any exe or dll via command line. You will be able to easily modify the file version numbers as well as product version numbers. It may increase the last value or set a completely new file version.
NeoBook Rapid Application Builder
Powerful Windows application builder for creating custom Windows utilities, interactive presentations, educational/training materials, database front ends, CD menus, calculators, etc. Built-in compiler creates stand-alone Windows exes. Royalty-free.
ActivePerl (Windows)
ActivePerl from ActiveState is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Perl distribution, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (Solaris, AIX and HP-UX available in Business or Enterprise Edition). Developers worldwide rely on ActivePerl.
ActivePerl (Linux)
ActivePerl from ActiveState is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Perl distribution, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (Solaris, AIX and HP-UX available in Business or Enterprise Edition). Developers worldwide rely on ActivePerl.
Komodo Edit (Linux/x86_64 libstdc++6)
Komodo Edit from ActiveState: a free, multi-platform, multi-language editor (PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Tcl, JavaScript plus more). With background syntax checking and coloring catch errors immediately, while autocomplete and calltips guide you.
Securely wipe data for Windows XP, Vista and 7. Uses the DoD seven step erasing method to destroy data. Take it with you! Works on portable USB drives.
Pluskit Get Paid Script
Pluskit Get Paid Plus Script: If you want to create and manage from a simple get paid to click, get paid to read email or get paid to surf site to a professionally structured affiliate program, Get Paid Plus Script is the tool you are looking for
Gentee is a full-scale and free programming language. It is easy-to-master and can be a reliable assistant in your everyday work. Software developers can easily use it in their applications. All documentation and a set of libraries are available.
eBay Money Maker Script
eBay Huge Earning Potential is a website builder which enables you to create a network of traffic pulling, money making niche websites focused around the eBay affiliate opportunity.
www MyFax
www MyFax ebook Compiler. Review the best e fax services with this free ebook compiler.
My Fax
My Fax ebook Compiler. Review the best e fax services with this free ebook compiler.
Date a Millionaire
Review sites like Date a Millionaire with this brandable ebook compiler. The skinny on sugardaddie sites plus a free ebook compiler that you can brand your own.
Webcam chat software
Webcam chat software system based on technologies: RED5, FMS, Wowza, PHP, Flash, MySQL and AJAX. Video chat software allows you to create a profitable pay per minute / pay per view (PPM/PPV) non adult, adult, marriage, dating or clubs video chat site
Millionaire Matchmaker
Review sites like Millionaire Matchmaker with this brandable ebook compiler. The skinny on sugardaddie sites plus a free ebook compiler that you can brand your own.
Review sites like with this brandable ebook compiler. The skinny on sugardaddie sites plus a free ebook compiler that you can brand your own.
Review sites like SugarDaddyForMe with this brandable ebook compiler. The skinny on sugardaddie sites plus a free ebook compiler that you can brand your own.
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