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NetWrix Group Policy Change Reporter
Netwrix Group Policy Change Reporter is a free tool that audits the changes made to Group Policy and delivers detailed information on a daily basis, with who changed what data and previous and current values.

NetWrix HIPAA Compliance Suite
NetWrix HIPAA Compliance Suite is an integrated solution for sustaining HIPAA/HITECH compliance in an IT infrastructure. The Suite covers different aspects of HIPAA regulations, such as identity management, security, change control, auditing, etc.

NetWrix Identity Management Suite
Netwrix Identity Management Suite solves the most critical identity management challenges, such as password management and provisioning, to decrease IT help desk workload and secure Active Directory environments. Price for 150 users is $1860.

NetWrix Inactive Users Tracker
Inactive Users Tracker automates the management of inactive user accounts. The program periodically checks user accounts in specified domains, reports to you, and automatically disables all accounts inactive for more than a specified number of days.

NetWrix Logon Reporter
Netwrix Logon Reporter is a freeware product for logon event archiving and reporting. The product consolidates the logon events from all Active Directory domain controllers and archives them. The commercial version provides reporting capabilities.

NetWrix NetApp Filer Change Reporter
Netwrix NetApp Filer Change Reporter audits file access events in NetApp Filers, generates reports about file, folder and permission changes, file access attempts and change attempts. Price: $1380 for first file server and $500 per additional server.

NetWrix Network Change Reporter
Netwrix Network Infrastructure Change Reporter is a free tool for automatic discovery of network devices, such as switches and routers, and auditing of device configuration to detect what configuration settings were changed and where.

NetWrix NetWrix VMware Reporter
The product reports every change made to your Virtual Infrastructure, including virtual hardware, ESX servers, folders, data stores, and other objects. With Change Reporter, you always have a list of changes, compared to previous values.

NetWrix Non-owner Mailbox Access Reporter for Exchange
NetWrix Non-owner Mailbox Access Reporter for Exchange is a free tool to audit and report all unauthorized access attempts to user mailboxes. The tool can be used to protect confiential information and satisfy regulatory compliance requirements.

NetWrix Password Expiration Notifier
Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier is the application that periodically checks users in specified Active Directory domains and sends report to the administrator's e-mail when one or more passwords are about to expire.

NetWrix Patch Reporter
NetWrix Patch Reporter is a free tool designed to provide automated patch assessments on a daily basis to make sure all computers are up-to-date. The tool automatically detects computers without critical patches and sends daily reports by e-mail.

NetWrix PCI Compliance Suite
NetWrix PCI Compliance Suite is an integrated solution for sustaining PCI compliance in an IT infrastructure. The Suite covers different aspects of PCI DSS compliance, such as protection, tracking and monitoring of access to cardholder data.

NetWrix Regulatory Compliance Suite
NetWrix Compliance Suite is an integrated solution for sustaining regulatory compliance in an IT infrastructure. The Suite covers different aspects of compliance regulations, such as identity management, security, change control, auditing, etc.

NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Active Directory Change Reporter
NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Active Directory Change Reporter is a solution that captures all changes made to Active Directory and feeds the audit data to Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, which generates appropriate reports and alerts.

NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Change Reporter Suite
SCOM Management Pack for Change Reporter Suite is a solution for auditing of the IT infrastructure. Microsoft System Center management pack audits changes in Active Directory, Group Policy and Microsoft Exchange and feeds the audit data to SCOM.

NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Exchange Change Reporter
NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Exchange Change Reporter is an Exchange auditing solution that captures all changes made to all Exchange Server configurations and feeds the audit data to Microsoft System Center Operations Manager.

NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Group Policy Change Reporter
NetWrix SCOM Management Pack for Group Policy Change Reporter is a solution that captures all changes made to Group Policy and feeds the audit data to Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, which generates appropriate reports and alerts.

NetWrix Server Configuration Monitor
NetWrix Server Configuration Monitor is a free auditing tool to monitor server configurations and automatically document changes, including hardware devices, drivers, software, services, networking settings.

NetWrix Service Monitor
Netwrix Services Monitor is a free tool that automatically tracks critical Windows services. If a service fails to start or accidentally stops, the tool sends e-mail alert to admin and automatically restarts the service

NetWrix Services Monitor
NetWrix Services Monitor is a free tool that automatically tracks critical Windows services. If a service fails to start or accidentally stops, the tool sends e-mail alert to admin and automatically restarts the service

NetWrix SharePoint Change Reporter
Netwrix SharePoint Change Reporter is a freeware SharePoint auditing product that automatically detects and reports changes made to SharePoint configuration.

NetWrix SOX Compliance Suite
NetWrix SOX Compliance Suite is an integrated solution for sustaining Sarbanes Oxley compliance in an IT infrastructure. The Suite covers different aspects of SOX compliance, such establishing, ongoing evaluation, and auditability of controls.

NetWrix SQL Server Change Reporter
Netwrix SQL Server Change Reporter is a free tool to audit and report on all administrative changes made to server configurations and databases: server instances, databases, users, roles, logins, schema changes, and many other objects.

NetWrix User Activity Video Reporter
Netwrix User Activity Video Reporter records dynamic screen activity, providing necessary auditing visibility to critical systems and applications that don't provide logs and therefore are not accessible through traditional auditing solutions.

NetWrix Virtual Machine Sprawl Tracker
NetWrix Virtual Machine Sprawl Tracker is a free tool that automatically detects inactive and unused virtual machines to prevent virtual machine sprawl. The tool sends scheduled reports about inactive VMs based on their resource usage.

NetWrix VMware Change Reporter
The product reports every change made to your Virtual Infrastructure, including virtual hardware, ESX servers, folders, data stores, and other objects. With Change Reporter, you always have a list of changes, compared to previous values.

NetWrix VMware Reporter
NetWrix VMware Reporter is a free tool that reports on VMware Infrastructure, showing static information and dynamic changes to get a full view into VMs, ESX Hosts, and other VMware objects.

NetWrix Web-based Password Reset for Active Directory
NetWrix Web-based Password Reset for Active Directory is a free product that provides a simple way of implementing self-service password changes through a web form. Users just navigate to a secure URL, enter name, old password, and new password.

NetWrix Windows Server Change Reporter
Netwrix Windows Server Change Reporter is a free auditing tool to monitor server configurations and automatically document changes, including hardware devices, drivers, software, services, networking settings.

NetWrix Windows Update Checker
NetWrix Windows Update Checker is a free tool for automated patch assessment and auditing. The tool automatically scans your servers and workstations to detect missing and failed patches.

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The ultimate solution for your online trading websites. Alibaba Clone 2010 Script is easy to use, easy to customize and packed full of advanced software features found on most top trading b2b websites!

newsXpresso, designed for Win 7 and ideal for Touch PC, is a news reader with a more intuitive reading experience and user-friendly touch navigation, easy social network sharing, and efficient tag organization.

NEWT Freeware
Network inventory and discovery for organizations of all sizes that just works. Perform hardware and software audits and scans quickly and easily using unique scanning methods. Inventory hundreds computers in minutes.

NEWT Professional
Network inventory and discovery for organizations of all sizes that just works. Perform hardware and software audits and scans quickly and easily using unique scanning methods. Inventory hundreds computers in minutes.

NEWT Professional Network Inventory
Network scan all machines using NEWT Professional network inventory. Gather important information without ever having to visit a remote PC in just minutes!

NEWT Professional Network Inventory Downloader
Inventory and discover all machines using NEWT Professional network inventory. Gather important information without ever having to visit a remote PC in just minutes!..

NEWT Professional Network Inventory Tool
Inventory and discover all machines using NEWT Professional network inventory. Gather important information without ever having to visit a remote PC in just minutes!..

NexSpy PC monitoring software allows you to monitor computer activities from anywhere in the world through web browser. Record screens, program activities, keystrokes. You can even monitor from your iPhone and Android.

Niche Socializer
Niche Socializer - Social Networking Software. The Niche Socializer Software lets even novices create profitable social networking sites on their own, with all the bells and whistles (and attractive presentation) of established sites like Facebook.

Nigerian Scam
Information on Nigerian Scams or Email Scams. Learn what types of emails to avoid responding to and also the truth about earning money on the Internet (not from a Nigerian prince's offer via email).

Nimsoft Cloud Monitor
Nimsoft Rackspace Cloud Monitor is a free standalone application that enables Rackspace customers to monitor performance and availability of their Rackspace servers while monitoring monthly resource usage to control cost.

Nokia Phone Spy
Install our intelligent software on any of these Nokia GSM handsets (listed below) and you will be able to dial in and listen to the surrounding sounds and conversations coming from around the target phone from ANYWHERE in the world without any indic

Novell NetWare Revisor
Novell NetWare Revisor allows you to create images of NDS-tree and NetWare-servers, view and edit them offline. Make a listing of tree objects and construct your own reports. Perform server recovery, connection monitoring and much more.

Nsauditor Network Security Auditor
Nsauditor Network Security Auditor is the best network security scanner to audit and monitor network for possible vulnerabilities,check methods that a hacker might use to attack network. Includes over 45 network tools for network auditing, scanning.

Nsauditor Network Security Auditor Tool
Nsauditor is a network security scanner that allows to audit and monitor network for possible vulnerabilities,checks methods that a hacker might use to attack it. Over 45 network tools for scanning,sniffing,enumerating and gaining access to machines.

NT Admin Utilities Set
Allows you to inspect a state different services of Windows NT/2000 from batch files and To react to the arisen problems by any friend for you by a way.

NTP Tool
This tool is used to query a server running the network time protocol service and is compatible with all current versions of the NTP protocol.

Nysoft Free ePub to Word
The function in Nysoft Free ePub to Word is amazing! The batch convert mode not only saves your time but also help you convert the ePub files in different folder to Word files in short minters.

ObserveIT Xpress
Record SSL / RDP - ObserveIT Xpress - Like a security camera on your servers, ObserveIT enables Record and Replay of all user sessions including Terminal, Remote Desktop, Citrix, VMWare, VNC, NetOP and PC Anywhere.

Odun Craigslist Posting
Odun Craigslist Posting Software posting tool for ad placement automation .makes posting Craigslist ads easy! Post ads to craigslist automatically.

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