Web Developer > Web Design Utilities
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My Spycam Pictures Tools
My-Spycam Pictures Tools 1.0.0 is a new and sophisticated tool that allows the creation and management in simple images
My Twitter Widget
This easy to use wordpress twitter widget is easy to use and setup. Lear more from Web Designer at Web Design Company Website.
My Windows Online
My Windows Online is a website designed based on Windows desktop style, which is compatible with IE browser (5.0 or above) only. It behaves similar to Windows desktop environment. After loading the site, you may press F11 to view in full screen.
MyComputer Magazine (Flip Book)
Awesome Flip Book - My Computer Magazine! You can edit the background, titles, buttons and content of each page. Each page can contain images, music and even video. Enjoy!
MyServer is a powerful and easy to configure web server. It is based on multi-threaded architecture, which makes it extremely scalable and usable in large scale sites as well as in small networks.
MySpace Clone
MySpace Clone 2010 - Start your community! Take best of Facebook and Myspace at one place! Myspace Clone is a featured packed social networking solution. Our goal is to provide your community with features found on major social networking...
Mysql World Locations Database
World countries and cities database with latitude and longitude Countries: 246
States/Regions: 3,576
Cities: 148,638
Database and demo PHP source code included.
Mysterious Light
Mysterious light.
Namo WebEditor
Easy to use & cost-effective web creation tool! Beginner with no program knowledge, or professional, anyone can build a website with WebEditor9.Use our Site Wizard and Site Manager to create professional looking website quickly.
Native Image Viewer XML
This is an ActionScript 3.0 XML driven Flash photo gallery.No Flash knowledge required for setting up this gallery. Everything can be set from a main .xml making it very easy to update and maintain.This gallery it's resizable adjusting after the brow
Nature Bliss
A fresh and cool design for your business. The Nature Bliss template combines several Flash components. The design is versatile and can be used for different projects, business purposes and hobbies. XML Customizable Template- By editing the included
Nature Immersion
Nature immersion ebook and program for internet explorer. Find nature immersion articles and training resources.
Nature Quest
Nature quest ebook and program for internet explorer. Find nature quest articles and training resources.
Install this free Captcha script on any page that requires a Submit button. The script will freeze the button. Your visitors answer a simple arithmetic question where the answer would only be a 2 digit answer.
With NBSgallery, you showcase your images on your website. When the image thumbnails are clicked, their full image will show in a lightbox which comes with 'Previous", "Next", "Auto-Play" and Caption text features. Your site will be more popular!
NBSslideshow rotates your images on your site. A menu below the images is included. Viewable on tablets & mobiles with your site. Uer-friendly settings on dimensions, the transition and duration speed. Images are sorted based on alphabetic order.
Nemashim Images Slideshow
A simple elegant slideshow. Simply customized, designed and controlled. XML driven. Many animation styles. Images preloader. and more.
Nepflex Screen Recorder
A light application for instant recording of video off-screen. Nepflex Screen Recorder allows recording events happening on the monitor, including the mouse pointer and the visualization of the regular and right clicks of the mouse buttons.
Nervous Preloader
Flash CS3 - Nice effect - Easy to use (copy and paste) - Help files included.
nET Get Paid PlusKit Script
nET Get Paid PlusKit Script: If you want to create and manage from a simple get paid to click, get paid to read e-mail or get paid to surf site to a professionally structured affiliate program, Get Paid Plus script is the tool you are looking for.
nET Get Social Bookmarking Script
nET Get Social Bookmarking Script has recently developed into a powerful technique for search engine optimization, gaining back links to your sites and developing your internet presence.
nET Incentives PlusKit Script
The Incentive has many great features and works for all Affiliate Networks that support Subid's. So What Is an Incentive Site? It is when you offer your users an Incentive for Completing surveys or offers. 100.00 for an offer that they complete why
nET Ping Feed Script
nET Ping Feed Script, XML, Blog is a blog ping script that pings or notifies Weblog Services such as Blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. Thus enabling them to index your blog fast and make your content
nET Social Bookmarking Script
nET Social Bookmarking Script has recently developed into a powerful technique for search engine optimization, gaining back links to your sites and developing your internet presence.
Netsparker Community Edition
Detect and exploit vulnerabilities, security problems in web sites such as SQL Injection, XSS and other quality related issues. Backup files, source code disclosures, error messages.
Scripts Directory at is a collection of web resources aimed at internet programmers and developers. maintains a huge list of ready to use scripts and development tools to assist programmers to create dynamic content for thei
New Banner Rotator
Easy create a banner slideshow with tens of possible settings in XML. Just one line of code and a simple access to customize everything. - add or remove autoplay - set delay and transition speed - vertical, horizontal or fade transition - enable or
New Mouse Cursor
Different Mouse Cursor with dynamic rotation.
News Module Dark Skin
This is a easy to use news ticker, smooth, slick and extremely flexible, you can easily change the graphics and from the XML you can resize the entire news ticker with dimensions for the whole widget. All the components will resize and the news ticke
News Module Light Skin
his is a easy to use news ticker, smooth, slick and extremely flexible, you can easily change the graphics and from the XML you can resize the entire news ticker with dimensions for the whole widget. All the components will resize and the news ticker
NewsPro Dark Template
NewsPro Dark Template - NewsPro, the first *Bonus* template from JoomlaXTC gets the remix treatment with a fresh new dark CSS based design perfect for Online Newsportals, Magazine's, Blogs, Fashion, Entertainment, and so much more.
Newsticker 3D
Newsticker with a 3D corner scroll effect and electronic display visual. Configure easily your news feed items in XML . Also has the option to load from external .RSS file You can configure many details of the visual to your needs, some of the impor
Nibbleblog it's a powerful engine for creation and manipulation of BLOG's completely free. Very simple to install and configure (Only 1 step). The database used is based on XML files and this way it is not necessary to use MySQL or similar DBMS.
Nice Dynamic News Ticker
Unlimited amount of News , associated by title and image , HTML format , XML driven , easy to customize.Nice transitions , the speed , auto play , tween type is support. Package Includes: FLA;Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3;Viewable with: Flash Player
Nice News Script
Our News Script is an amazing publishing tool for News Section on their website.Visitors can then post comments for each article and discuss them. LIVE online demo at
nissan escargot equibuzz
This duplicated content checker supplied by nissan escargot Algys Autos offers the easiest and fastest way scan for duplicated content between two articles.
nissan figaro backlinks
This link popularity checker tool supplied by Nissan Figaro allows you to check for the no. of backlinks you have on six major search engines and databases and also the no. of pages you have indexed on the Google and others
nissan figaro blogbuzz
This blog finder software supplied by nissan figaro Figs4u offers the easiest and fastest way to locate related blogs in any niche you choose which does not have the 'nofollow' attribute.
nissan figaro directorybuzz
Submitting to free directories is one of the easiest way to have one way free inbound links to our sites. This directory submission software by Nissan Figaro Figs4u contains a list of over 200 directories which you can submit your sites to
nitric oxide booster
nitric oxide booster software free to use
Nitro MP3 Audio Player Skinnable
An extensible Flash audio player, XML-based, that can be embedded very easily. Fetures: 1. Easily Skinnable (No developer required) - Separate skin file. 2. Has a Jscript API 3. Configurable using Flashvars or Config.xml in terms of autoplay, continu
No Browser Options
Rid Yourself of Nasty Browser Features Now! No Scroll Bars, No Back Button, No Right Click, No Page Print, No Drag and Drop, No Image Toolbar, No Text Selection, No Status Bar Links, No Page Cache, and No Robots.
Noble Image Gallery - XML Driven
It can be integrated in HTML or Flash projects. You can display unlimited number of images. You can resize it to any fix dimension by setting in XML the width and height or just set it to 100% and will automatically resize to fit the window. Image qu
Novus Portfolio Template
Novus - Creative Portfolio Website Template (Actionscript 3.0) comes with a content module that can be used in any way(home page, news, services, video reels, clients lists, etc). It also has a complex media gallery and a minimalist project viewer.
Nox Photo Gallery
One of the most powerful Flash photo galleries out there, the Nox Gallery offers a stunning way to present pictures and images to your website's viewers. Powered by an external XML file, this Flash AS3 component is highly customizable and second-to-n
NT EBay Clone 2010 is an online auction site. Includes any php auction script.If you are looking for the best auction software anywhere on the web, here's an amazing opportunity to get a professional software package and start your own professional online
Odds On Ron
Marketing and advertising For example Hotcakes** Changing Within $4. forty-four For every Leap Inside Evaluation: Develop a huge 75% Profits: We all considerably Make sure to will make Lots of Profits Together with Beneath 2 % Pay back Cost!: Get a
Odun Craigslist Posting Software
Odun Craigslist Posting Software. Odun Craigslist Posting Software allows you to automate your personal and business online advertising. With a few simple clicks you can post multiple ads quickly and then manage day after day.
Office for lease
Asian Commercial Property and Real Estate for sale, for rent / lease . Looking for offices, retail, industrial spaces or land? View latest commercial properties here.
Old Slideshow Gallery
- XML options: Image_width & Image_heigth, You can change the images with the XML file, timer; - ActionScript 3.0, commented code and easy to understand; - Very fast; - Very easy to install - just drag and drop it into your project; - Good design; -
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