Testking Vs Real-Exams.Net - This question has been asked over and over on the forums, blogs etc. What is the difference between Testking.com and Real-Exams.Net So, I did some research on this topic and found some useful information that I am going to share with you guys now.
The real difference is the price and the format of the product
Testking.com price are $79.99 USD for one product where as Real-Exams.Net provides the same product for 39.99 USD. Second difference is Testking.com provides Testing Engine Software Whereas Real-Exams.Net only provides pdf. There questions are exactly same I have verified 640-802 exam from both Testking and Real-Exams.Net they were exactly same, just numbering of the questions was different.
Which one should i buy?
It all depends on you if you like to learn from Testing Engine then buy from Testking, If you are looking for cheap but same quality material then go for Real-Exams.Net. I personally went for Real-Exams.Net because when there is no difference in the product why pay $40 dollar more in price.
But on Microsoft Exams there questions don't match at all that is because Testking.com was sued by Microsoft and they no longer provide real test exams for microsoft and if you go to their website on any of the microsoft product page it will say " Testking doesnot provide real questions for microsoft exams". But Real-Exams.Net exams are word to word questions from the real exam.
Last thing i would like to say is that Real-Exams.Net has the lowest price compared to all other braindump sites.
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