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Kyboma Find Files N Show Free Download


Kyboma Find n Show is about finding and displaying the info you want quickly and easily. Using a single keystroke (F4) you will do ALL of the following: - find the next file containing any of the text values to find - display the contents of the file - position the display to the first value found A single keystroke (F3) will show the next value. Or F4 will show the next file. Kyboma Find n Show is quick and easy: - Quick because you get the chunk of text found immediately (in the list returned). - Quick because you just press F4 to display the file and find the first value. - Quick because you Press F6, F7 etc. to open it in another application. - And Powerful because you can enter a complex search including: . a list of words to find . a list of phrases to exclude, . only find when another word is on the same line . etc Additionally: Kyboma is a full featured file management and shell program allowing you to move/copy files or open files in other applications. Kyboma remembers all your settings, column widths, etc. It uses them every time you start. Even when Windows crashes the last settings used will be remembered. Kyboma provides many many shortcut keys, for example: . to toggle between 2 positions of the seperation bar. . to open a file in another application (regardless of its filetype). . to change column width. . to find and show (or even find AND open in notepad) the next file in the list. . to zoom in/out on all screens.

Tags: find, files, containing, windows, explorer, replacement, keyboard, shortcut, search, articles

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