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Direct Folders Free Download


Waste lot of time while opening and saving files? Direct Folders allows you access most recent and favorite folders directly from the standard File Open and File Save dialog boxes, as well as Explorer, WinZip and WinRAR. Direct Folders can also automatically resize file dialogs, switch to the details view and set keyboard focus to the file list. It allows you set default folder for each application in the system to open and save documents, either fixed (e.g. C:My DocumentsReports) or the last folder accessed. You can also enable interactive Info Panel, that appears over file dialogs and shows full path to the selected folder and free space on the logical disks. Direct Folders enhancing the file dialogs with two little buttons. The button with a clock on it displays menu with recently accessed folders through the File Open, File Save and Browse For Folder dialog boxes. Extremely useful when you saved file in one application and going to open it in another. The second button pulls down menu with your favorite folders. You can also insert separators and organize it in the sub-menus. Selecting any item from this menu makes dialog box immediately display folder you want to be in. Direct Folders also adds two button to the top windows, allowing you to roll-up and keep these windows on top.

Tags: file, dialog, resize, save, open, browse, explorer, shortcuts, winzip, winrar

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