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Loka (image/photo editing software) Free Download


Loka is the fun image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows Loka enables with a single action to fix, enhance, convert, and alter an entire list of images. The whole application is a powerful highly customizable photo editor tool, which is designed with fancy, unique, and friendly user interface. The program is a full featured batch image/photo editing and conversion software package, with support for layers, effects, filters, textures, fix red-eye, frames, graphics, crop, erase, fill, and make numerous other image editing adjustments and enhancements, making loka an extremely inclusive batch image processing and conversion software. Key features: texture generator: Create high quality patterns, seamless textures and seamless tiles, that can be used for fills, web page tiled backgrounds, surface textures, web graphics, image photo editing and more with just a single click. Loka makes images and photos appear as if they are painted onto textures. Viewer: Real time view Editor: Gaussian blur, box blur, radial blur, zoom blur, motion blur, flip, rotate, skew, ripple, drop shadows, reproduce, gradient, edge detect quick, linear edge, sharpen, smooth Batch editor: All conversion and processing tasks can be performed in batch mode for an entire list of images Image adjustments: Invert, grayscale, sepia, auto contrast, auto color enhance, color tone, rotate color Image conversion: LOKA supports most commonly used image file formats. Framing: Make images and digital photos impressive and unique Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode Resize: Change image size using deferent methods Extract color channel: Extract RGB, HSL, YUV, YIQ, XYZ, CMYK color channels Digital watermarking: Easily embed clip art, image masks, stars, and many other graphics onto digital photo Slideshow: Create stylish slideshow with only one click Transform: Switch a photo into 3D box, floor, and ellipse shape Text: Add regular, circle, and arc text overlay Print: Flexible printing options

Tags: photo editing, image editing, photo editor, batch image photo editing, batch image processing, batch editor

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