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ExtractWizard Free Download


ExtractWizard is a user-friendly extract wizard utility that supports more than 55 archive types (Sfx, SfxExe, 7z, Ace, Arc, ArcExe, Arj, ArjExe, Bh, BhExe, Bz, Bz2, Bzip2, Cab, Cpio, Deb, Dmg, Enc, Gz, Gzip, Ha, Hfs, Iso, Jar, Lha, LhaExe, Lzh, LzhExe, Lzma, Mim, MsGz, Pak, PakExe, Pk3, Pk_, Rar, RarExe, Rpm, Split, Swm, Tar, Taz, Tbz, Tbz2, Tgz, Tpz, Uu, Uue, War, Wim, Xar, Xxe, Z, Zip, ZipExe, ZipMV, Zoo, ZooExe). With ExtractWizard you can simply extract any archives just by clicking through the wizard. It has a really simple, easy-to-use and multilingual user interface and its many features include using environment variables, saving the latest values for future use and using preset values created in SFXWizard for exe, sfx, zipsfx.

Tags: archive, extractor, gzip, bzip, lzma, split


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