Outlook does not support not support bulk import of multiple vCards. If you are having multiple vCards and you are thinking upon an investment for batch vCard Importer then there is no other better alternative in the market place than our batch import vCard to Outlook utility @ Birdie Software. Software is devised to import vCard to Outlook with all contacts field’s data such as; full name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, photos, web page address, notes, job title, etc. We provide free trial version, so that users get to know about the working procedure for how to execute vCard to Outlook Conversion process in easy way. If you are thinking to batch import vCard to Outlook, preferring for licensed edition of our batch vCard importer is a relevant choice.
Tags: batch vcard importer, batch import vcard outlook, batch convert, import vcard outlook, export vcard outlook, vcard outlook conversion
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