Lotus Notes Converter is a third party solution to Convert NSF to PST quickly. Most of users want to how to run NSF to PST Conversion without invest more time and money. If you are also planning to Convert NSF to PST alternatively Lotus Notes to Outlook then we have a solution to accomplish the task in simple but mighty way. As Microsoft offers features like remote login which is a boom for businesses but Lotus Notes does not offers anything in that terms so migration is necessary task. Our Convert NSF to PST software will absolutely helps users in migration process of Lotus Notes to MS Outlook. NSF to PST tool provides support to system administrators, litigation support officers, forensic departments, technicians. NSF to PST conversion tool supports conversion of Lotus Notes database created using Lotus Notes 8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5 and 5.0 to MS Outlook 2010/2007/2003/XP/2000/98/97 PST files. Lotus Notes Converter gives better results to users who really want to transfer their Notes database (.nsf) files having local NSF file security issues even after receiving error message: "You are not authorized to perform that operation". It successfully runs with Windows 98, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Win7. Free Trial is also available on our sites which you can download and try free of Cost. If you find yourself satisfied then you can purchase Personal license of Export Notes software only at $250 and Business license only at $500.
Tags: convert, , conversion, export, convert file, converter, lotus notes conversion, lotus notes conversion tool, convert lotus notes, lotus notes converter, notes outlook
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