Since PDF is a universal file format, compact in size and secure for transferring over the network, users look for tools to convert their source documents created on any platform into PDF format. Kernel for Word to PDF is a third party utility that converts Word documents (.doc and .docx files) into PDF files while preserving data integrity. Using this software, users can convert their Word documents with full accuracy and precision. This convert Word to PDF tool is capable of converting multiple Word documents (up to 50) in a single conversion cycle. Word documents containing tables, graphs, images and hyperlinks can be easily converted within seconds through this efficient software. Convert Word to PDF free utility is equipped with advanced features that preserve the data structure, formatting and properties of the original Word document. The new converted PDF files are free from missing fonts, broken layouts and lost images. Kernel for Word to PDF conversion allows users to set security settings in the created PDF files so that they cannot be edited, formatted or modified in any form. Users can put local restrictions on the created PDF files as well as encrypt them so that the data cannot be tampered over the Internet. With the help of this tool, users can also perform page settings to the created PDF files. Users can opt for the convert Word to PDF free tool, which is an evaluation version that allows up to 50 conversions, although the converted PDF files display a text reading ‘Kernel for Word to PDF demo’. This software is compatible with all the versions of MS Word like 6.0, 95, 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2007 and 2010. For more information please visit
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