Free Convert EDB to PST tool is available for converting EDB files, just download this trial version tool from here & convert Microsoft Exchange Server EDB files into MS Outlook PST files. Several time it happen that exchange database become inaccessible for the user due to errors like jet error, exchange server failure etc. for knocking out such types of errors the most prominent way is converting EDB files to PST files.
Converting EDB to PST process become easy because lot of advance features added in EDB recovery software. Through converting EDB into PST files task user can get its data back without any alteration & he/she starts their work in Outlook without taking time. Converting Exchange emails, contacts, tasks, notes, journals, deleted items & more from corrupt or inaccessible EDB files and restore all data into PST file with their exact properties. EDB recovery software supports both format of Outlook like UNICODE & ANSI to restore data in any Outlook version 2010 to 95. Recover deleted emails & converting Exchange Server email to Outlook even if the user had deleted single or multiple emails from any folder like; inbox, sent item, deleted item under Exchange environment. Converting Exchange mailbox to PST task can also be done when user want to transfer vital exchange database information to outer environment of Exchange Server. Download free version of SysTools Exchange Recovery Software for converting Exchange database to PST. Purchase full version for saving result after conversion. Now, full version is available at $299 only. For more info:
Tags: converting files, converting, converting into, converting exchange email, converting exchange server email, converting exchange mailbox, converting exchange database
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