PDF or Portable Document Format provides utmost security to the data by adding non editable feature to them and prohibiting unauthorized users to access it. Since PDF files are shared over small to large network and involves important information of organizations, hence they need to be protected with some security parameters so that users or readers cannot edit, copy or print the documents. But sometimes, PDF file needs to edited or updated with latest information hence it is converted to Word for further editing.
The PDF to Word converter tool is the competent software that performs quick and accurate conversion of PDF files to Word. It is capable to convert multiple PDF files to Word in a single conversion cycle. Besides, this tool completely converts all objects of PDF file including OLE objects, graphs, images, forms, hyperlinks, tables and other information. Adding to this, it retains the data structure, formatting and content of the PDF file intact after conversion.
The convert PDF to Word tool facilitates users to classify the Page Order and adjust the display of graphics in the resultant word file. Further, it possesses an interactive and self- descriptive GUI that helps the users to easily use the tool and process the conversion.
With this exceptional tool, you can carry converting from PDF to Word file for PDFs created with any version of Adobe Acrobat and MS Word including MS Word 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 and 2000. Also, it supports every version of Windows operating system. The software lets you analyze its capability by providing free trial version that works similar to the full version. The major difference between the full and trial version of the software is that latter only converts first three pages of PDF into doc. For converting the entire document, full version needs to be purchased. For more information please visit www.convertpdftowordfree.net
Tags: converting from word, convert files word, convert word, word converter, word conversion, word
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