Healthy process of Exchange EDB file is very necessary for access Exchange Server mailbox account in perfect manner. EDB to PST file converter is the best tool that suits users need. Exchange saves user mailbox account data in EDB file format. But sometimes this EDB file get corrupted through attempt of heavy virus attacks, generation of problems in network by manual mistakes, uncertain or improper shutdown of Exchange server by manual or network mistakes, popup of errors during work with Exchange server are the few reasons for corruption of Exchange EDB file.
If user get Exchange EDB file corrupted then it will be a huge problem for the user, and user searches for a EDB PST conversion tool for EDB recovery to PST. EDB to PST conversion tool recover corrupt EDB files easily along with all data. This tool recover Exchange EDB file easily with all attachments and links of the file. EDB file to PST recovery tool offers an option to select the file in Priv.EDB and in Pub.EDB file formats.
This tool allows the user for recovery of EDB to PST file by attempting some easy steps. This tool shows metadata of the file by its metadata property which allows the user to get the whole information of the file, that which file is related to which topic. EDB to PST recovery software shows the data of file in hierarchal format by this user will be able to find the data easily and get the view that which file is related to what, and any particular file which they are searching is placed in which particular folder. EDB to PST file converter software have both licensed as well as trial versions of the software. User can get the licensed version of the software by paying $299.
Tags: , recovery, conversion, file, file converter
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