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Folder comparison utility Free Download


As practice shows, it is very easy to solve the problem connected with the comparative analysis of two directories about their similarity or distinction if to take advantage of professional software. In the market of software products there are a lot of programs and means offering the help in the decision of the problem of comparative folder analysis. However now there are no so much qualitative and effective programs. Folder comparison utility File Sync is one of them. We will consider this program work more in detail. File Sync works in two basic directions ' in folder comparison which allows to reveal similarity and distinction between two folders and file synchronization. Folder comparison in the visualization disk maps utility File Sync is spent easily and simply. It-s enough to load two directories by such means as Browse, then to press Analyze. As the result, the program will give out result ' the files which belong to both folders, and the files which are only in one of folders. Accordingly, if the files belong to the folder at the left there is a badge opposite to them which is directed to the right and on the contrary. If the file belongs to both folders, there is a badge in the form of a circle near to it. File synchronization. The arrows near to the files we spoke above about are not casual. Thanks to them the folder comparison utility solves in what direction file synchronization that is when the file belonging to one of folders becomes the general part of the second folder will be spent. Thus file synchronization is file reduction to general denominator or files backup. The visualization disk maps utility works very quickly and effectively. The problem you could solve within several hours manually you solve in some seconds by means of File Sync.

Tags: folder comparison utility, visualization disk maps

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