Outlook to Notes converter tool help you to convert your mails, draft, sent items, inbox, do to lists etc from Outlook to Lotus Notes. There are many Outlook to Lotus Notes Conversion software available in the market but all of them not any application that converts Outlook client or PST to NSF database completely & safely. The Outlook to Notes Conversion program is a prominent solution developed by SysTools to provide for an effective and suitable utility to transfer Outlook emails or calendar to Lotus Notes. So, there is no point in wasting your time over finding an efficient tool to migrate from Outlook to Lotus. This utility is easy to use & user friendly interface which can easily convert data from Outlook to Lotus. By using Outlook to Notes conversion utility you will be able to Convert Outlook emails to Notes from all PST folders like Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, etc. (along with email properties like to, cc, bcc etc.), Convert Outlook tasks to Lotus, Convert Outlook calendar items to Lotus, Convert Outlook journals to Lotus, Convert Outlook to-do list to Lotus. SysTools software has an advance 100% result oriented program, including many features, support all version of MS Outlook (97, 98, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010) and Lotus Notes (8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.0) and available at appropriate prices. Try Demo version (free of cost) and evaluate the software how is it useful for us. The Demo version of PST to NSF conversion utility allows users to convert only first 15 items of every folder. Purchase its full fledge version which cost $129 only. http://www.convertpsttonsf.co.uk/
Tags: from outlook lotus, outlook lotus, outlook lotus notes conversion, import outlook lotus, outlook emails lotus notes, outlook calendar lotus notes,
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