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How to Open PPTX File Free Download


There could be various reasons of PPTX file corruption. It could be because of the virus attack, hardware error, human error, application corruption etc. these scenarios obviously lead to the question of how to open pptx file that has gone corrupt. The best you to remain geared up to meet such unforeseen circumstances is to have professional third party pptx recovery tool like RecoveryFix for PowerPoint repair. This tool can repair all types of PowerPoint files such as .ppt, .pps, .ppsx and .pptx files. While performing pptx recovery, this software will repair animations, images, sound files, word art, shapes etc. along with the text. The plus point of this software is that it maintains original formatting, properties, structure and consistency of the original file after the recovery. Hence, next time your file goes corrupt, better be prepared to answer how to open pptx file by having this software in your inventory. It has got an intuitive UI and can be easily used by non-technical users. No matter what version of PowerPoint you are using, this software can resurrect files of all versions namely 2010, 2007, 2003, XP, 2000, 97 and 95. The software can be operated upon on any of the Windows versions such as 2000, 2002, 2003, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It operates in two modes namely standard mode and integrated mode, the former may take a bit long time but performs perfect recovery of severest of the corruption, the later is the quick mode of recovery and usually deals with non-severe corruption. These two modes of operation can answer how to open pptx file question for all types of corruption. To allow you to have a free evaluation of the software, it is available in free demo version to open pptx file, however, it will not allow you to save data and for that you need to purchase the full version. For more information please visit

Tags: pptx file, pptx files, open pptx file, open pptx, pptx repair, pptx recovery

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