Professional NSF to PST conversion tool has accomplished with advanced technology of high data transfer capability. Why you are waiting, just grab this eminent tool and save your emails of Lotus Notes to Outlook format. Lotus Notes applications available in high range compare to Outlook and complicate also. Many organizations change their email client from NSF to Outlook program for better result. You can also do this job without facing any difficulties during convert Lotus Notes items to Outlook format. Convert Lotus Notes to PST software runs with all version of Lotus Notes like v8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5 and Outlook version and 5.0 to MS Outlook 97 to 2010. Lotus Notes to Outlook program converts all the items of Lotus NSF files such as emails, calendar, notes, journals, tasks etc to MS Outlook PST files. Lotus Notes to Outlook tool converts NSF files in both formats of Microsoft Outlook (Unicode PST files and ANSI PST files). While performing the conversion process Convert Lotus Notes items tool does not damage the original Lotus Notes files. Software smoothly works with Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista and Win7. Convert Lotus Notes database to Outlook software is one of the best quality Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook Conversion tool to migrate and switch Lotus Notes NSF to PST. NSF to PST Software is present in demo version also which assist you limited migration from Lotus Notes to Outlook format. Purchase software full version just at $250 for personal and $500 for official purpose.
Tags: lotus notes, conversion tool, lotus notes email conversion, convert, , lotus notes outlook, convert lotus notes, convert lotus notes database, convert lotus notes items
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