Export Notes assist you in Lotus to Outlook conversion with simple steps like (open, browse, scan and export). Following these step users can easily perform absolute Lotus to Outlook Convert, this facility is only with at SysTools. For NSF to PST task just pick Migrate Lotus to Outlook tool it makes this task easier for Lotus Notes users and Convert Lotus to Outlook quickly. Quickly converts unlimited Lotus Notes database and accurately to Outlook PST files without having any loss of data. Transfer Lotus to Outlook software converts each and every item of Lotus such as emails, attachments, folder structure, calendar entries, journals, to do list, appointments, tasks, drafts, sent items & other folder to Outlook. Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter utility help you in migrating Lotus Notes Domino Server to MS Outlook. Lotus to Outlook Converter software re-creates the folder structure of Lotus Notes NSF file into PST file format which is easy to access with Exchange. Export Lotus Notes to Outlook software runs easily with Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/ Win7. You can download the software from our site to View the demonstration of our product. Demo version will help you convert ONLY 15 items of Each Folder of Lotus Notes. After demonstration of our product working you can get a full licensed version of Lotus Notes Conversion tool that converts all Lotus Notes items to MS Outlook PST. You can download now and try! Now
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