With the Microsoft Outlook to Lotus Notes Converter to facilitate your way, now, within minutes Convert Multiple PST Data into NSF, that too without having to worry about any data being missed or overwritten. Microsoft Outlook to Lotus Notes Converter operates to transfer various data (inbox, drafts, contacts, journals, etc) with its complete set of internal information (to, cc, bcc, sent-date, etc). Import Multiple PST into Lotus Notes, irrespective of its status being that of configured file or orphaned one. The Microsoft Outlook to Lotus Notes Converter has various other facilities to offer, like: conversion of groups of Outlook distribution lists, replicates files and folder with 0 item count, retains the original format of the emails, etc. Even for its numerous inbuilt hi-tech features, this Convert Outlook Data to NSF utility still operates with easy to user interface, which immediately puts a non-technical user at ease. The utility to Import Multiple PST into Lotus Notes smoothly runs on windows 98, ME, 2000, 2002, XP, 2003, Vista and 2007. Easily acquire the full pro version of this Microsoft Outlook to Lotus Notes Converter software with the personal license available for $129, as is the business license for $229. Go through the software exhibit available online for free of cost, to get acquainted with the software prior to the purchase. Easily convert 15 items from each mail folder through the software exhibit.
Tags: microsoft outlook lotus notes, convert microsoft outlook contacts, convert outlook data, outlook data lotus notes, import multiple into lotus, convert multiple data into
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