In our work on the computer we often face such problem as duplicate files ? the copies of existing files. Harm they bring is obvious: they take megabytes and gigabytes of disk space (depending on type and quantity of files) which brake system work. Besides, such files don?t bring any advantage as they duplicate the maintenance of originals.
The most widespread types of files which have duplicates are images and musical mp3 files. Possibly you have faced such situation when in different folders you found out the same musical file (sometimes named differently) or a image. The problem can be solved easily if to use possibilities which Clone Remover brings ? a new duplicate image finder.
The mp3 duplicate finder will help you to solve variety of problems: to find duplicate images and duplicate mp3 files, to remove them or to move to a special folder and many other things. The program uses effective search tools. For example, one of criteria of mp3 duplicate files search is called «MP3/OGG/WMA files with similar tags». Apparently from the name, the mp3 duplicate finder uses special tags for identical file search. Other criterion of search - «Similar images» - will easily allow you to find duplicate images.
Clone Remover as a duplicate image finder and mp3 duplicate finder uses many other innovations for search and duplicate files removal. Among them there are search in archives and network folders, an interactive user operating mode, system of fast and effective search and another.
Using Clone Remover you receive a powerful tool of search and removal of musical and image duplicate files as well as convenience of work and ease in perception.
Tags: duplicate image finder, duplicate finder
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