Directory Size is the program which allows to analyze and receive visual representation about disk information in short terms (literally within several minutes). In particular, about a current condition of disks, their structure, structure of various directories, etc.
Directory Size works by the principle of several windows the movement on which is carried out clockwise and subordinated to the principle of stage-by-stage performance of problems. We will shortly tell about these problems.
Firstly, in frameworks of the big file finder you can receive the general evident representation about a current disk condition. For this purpose it-s enough to take advantage of bottom left program window.
Secondly, Directory Size allows to view folder sizes for reception of more evident representation about a current disk condition. In the top left window of the program you can load a directory to receive more evident representation about its condition, structure and quantity of folders included in the analyzed directory. It is easy to load the directory for primary research 'it-s enough to choose -Scan ' Scan a folder-.
Thirdly, the big file finder gives the chance to analyze the analyzed folder (directory) more in detail. Thus, the program carries out the primary goal ' the representations of all completeness of data. In particular, Directory Size gives the chance to view folder sizes, directory structure, percentage distribution of shares of separate folders and files which are included in folder structure, and many other things.
Fourthly, Directory Size is the convenient tool for evident representation of the information for the user. For this purpose the program uses such a tool as pies and bars, and in the program you can change color, a configuration and other options of diagrammes.
Tags: view folder sizes, file finder
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