ZipUp is a powerful and easy to use archive utility for windows environment. ZipUp assists the user in effective compression and extraction of archives. It ensures strong password protection and safe deletion of archives. The Windows explorer type interface in ZipUp displays drive/folder for rapid selection of files. (1)Simple and convenient functions:ZipUp interface is simple and uses a Windows explorer type of interface for creation of new archive,
extraction, addition and deletion of files to increase the efficiency of the system.(2)High protection of archives:ZipUp ensures strong protection of file archives with passwords. This
feature prevents the file from being mishandled.(3)Enhances available space usage:ZipUp enhances the usage of space with its unique performance of compression and extraction of
files. It facilitates the user in saving disk space.(4)Well integrated with windows explorer:ZipUp
integrates with windows explorer. The right click option in ZipUp facilitates the user either to
tract or to open the ".zip" file. Further in an opened archive the user can append ,delete or
extract the ".zip" file to the default or to any specified location.(5)Easy File Handling:ZipUp interface facilitates the process of extracting files to the specified location. This interface also
helps in extracting selected files from an archive.(6)Compatible with industry–standard zip files:
ZipUp has a good compatibility with the archives created by other archive tools. This ensures
the usage of various archive tools simultaneously.
Tags: open file, compression, compression utility, compression tool, compression program, file compression utility, compress archiver, compress folders, file compression, archives
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