If you ever use the 'Start' menu then you will find that this free Windows utility is a much better way to open the item that you are looking for. SmartStartMenu helps you to turn the task of running any program and opening any documnent, folder, or website into a two or three key-stroke effort. SmartStartMenu uses what you type to generate "on-the-fly" alphabetized lists of shortcut items from your 'Start' menu and any other folders you have configured to be scanned. Since SmartStartMenu is based on shortcuts (your 'Start' menu is just a collection of shortcuts) there is no "alias" database to maintain or complicated configuration interface to learn. You can change the keystrokes used to access an item by modifying the shortcut directly. SmartStartMenu helps you to clean up your desktop and 'Quicklaunch' toolbar by reducing your dependencies on them. SmartStartMenu helps you to reduce clutter on your taskbar by elimintating the need for the 'Address' toolbar. SmartStartMenu can also be used like the 'Run' command. With a little tweaking of your 'Start' menu you can configure ANY program, document, folder, or website to be opened by any two or three letter key-stroke that you want. To use SmartStartMenu you simply type a few letters of criteria and then select the list item that you want to open (or just press the 'Enter' key if the item is already selected) and the item is started just as if you had selected it from the 'Start' menu. It is actually VERY simple. With SmartStartMenu you can type commands like "control" or "notepad c:\mydocument.doc", path names such as "c:\Program Files" or "\\COMPUTERNAME1\share1", and web site addresses like as "www.planetharrington.com".
Tags: launcher, start menu, shortcut, toolbar, taskbar, type ahead, auto fill, hint