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CAS BACnet Object Monitor Free Download


The CAS BACnet Object Monitor is a software designed to run on a Windows computer for the purpose of testing a connection to a BACnet IP device, or to monitor a BACnet IP device. A user can configure BACnet data points either manually through a configuration screen or by importing a configuration file. The user can then view connection and status details of the configure points on the status screen. Requirements: The application must be installed on a computer running a Windows operating system. The computer that the application is installed on must be on the same subnet as the BACnet IP device to be monitored or tested. The BACnet IP device being monitored or tested must have objects of types: analog input/output/value, binary input/output/value, or multi-state input/output/value. Note: If this application is being used on a trial basis, the notification banner will display the "Trial Version Active" message. The Trial Version limits the user to monitor a maximum of 3 BACnet objects.

Tags: bacnet, monitoring, testing


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