Network infrastructure devices, such as switches, routers, firewalls, and others, are the backbone of any computer network. Without routine discovery and auditing of network devices your network infrastructure is subject to security risks and unplanned downtime. Any change in the configuration of a network device, be it authorized and not, planned or accidental, can make the entire network vulnerable to external attacks, render some network segments unreachable or do any other unpredictable harm to an organization.
NetWrix Network Infrastructure Change Reporter is a free tool for automatic discovery and configuration auditing of network devices, such as switches and routers. The products detects what configuration settings were changed and where. NetWrix Network Infrastructure Change Reporter automatically scans specified ranges of IP addresses, detects network devices that support SNMP protocol, adds them to the inventory, and starts monitoring them for any changes in configuration settings. Designated personnel starts receiving daily e-mail reports about newly discovered devices and changes to configuration settings of all previously discovered devices (such as auditing of changes to routing tables, firewall settings, security options, etc). The discovery and auditing of network assets is required by major security standards and compliance regulations, such as NERC, NIST, FISMA, and PCI.
Freeware and commercial editions of the product are available. Please visit www.netwrix.com for more information.
Tags: network device audit, snmp audit, network infrastructure audit, audit changes network device, free network device audit