The RDPSoft Remote Desktop Reporter is a specially designed Windows utility that:
*Polls, collects, and reports on information from Remote Desktop and Terminal Server sessions on networked computers.
*Provides a reporting engine so that you can produce both on-demand and scheduled reports covering a wide variety of user and server activity.
*Provides a rich filtering interface that you can use to reduce the volume of information in your reports.
Reportable activity includes:
*User Session Activity (Who is logging on where, how long they are logged on, their ratio of active to idle time in their sessions, etc).
*Program Tracking (What programs each user is running, how frequently they run the programs, the most frequently run programs, etc).
*Hourly User Activity (See a breakdown, hour by hour, of when your Remote Desktop users are active, idle, or disconnected.)
*User Productivity (Quickly build a robust estimate of each user's productivity across all Remote Desktop sessions they are connected to).
*Client Workstations and Addresses (Track the client workstation names and IP addresses your users are connecting from).
*Display Metrics (Determine the most frequently used screen resolutions and color depth your users utilize).
*Bandwidth Metrics (Find out, by server and by user, which users are consuming the most bandwidth in their RDP sessions).
*Load Factors (For each server, evaluate the biggest performance constraint for a given time period - such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, etc).
*Performance Metrics (Track things like - Average Number of Sessions Per Day, Average Number of Sessions Per Hour, Average Number of Disconnected Sessions, Average Capacity for Additional Sessions, etc).
Tags: remote desktop, terminal services, remote desktop reporting, terminal services reporting, remote desktop tracking, terminal services tracking, user productivity, time tracking
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