Installing Screen-Spy Software
Installing Screen-Spy is extremely easy. After you order you will receive an email with detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to download the program and start the installation. Screen-Spy is then secretly placed in Windows startup routines without using the "StartUp" folder.
Once Screen-Spy is installed it loads automatically with each computer boot in super stealth mode. This means it is invisible from task bar, task list, close program, etc. Screen-Spy starts recording screenshots immediately after finishing the installation.
Accessing The Interface
After you complete the installation, it's time to learn how you will access the program's interface. Remember, there are no icons whatsoever. The following sequence is how you will also access the interface in the future. It will be easy to remember after a few times.
Changing Password
1. Click Options (OPTS) from the Screen-Spy interface.
2. Click the "Security" tab.
3. Enter the default password (retinax) in the old password field.
4. Enter your new password in both of the remaining fields.
5. Click Apply. Your password is now changed.
6. Click OK to return to the interface.
Changing The Hot Key Sequence
1. Click Options (OPTS) from the Screen-Spy interface.
2. Click the "Security" tab and look for "Hot Key Combination".
3. Select the appropriate field to choose your combination.
4. Click Apply. Your hot key sequence is now changed.
5. Click OK to return to the interface.
Changing The Rate of Image Capture
1. Click Options (OPTS) from the Screen-Spy interface.
2. Click the "Capture" tab and look for "Capture Interval".
3. Select the appropriate capture interval.
4. Click Apply. Your capture interval is now changed.
5. Click OK to return to the interface.
Changing The Quality of Image Capture
1. Click Options (OPTS) from the Screen-Spy interface.
2. Click the "Capture" tab and look for "JPG Save Option" ...
Tags: screenspy, screen, screenshot, screen shot, recorder, recording, capture, snapshot, camera, video, movie, site, website, chat, chats, email recorder, chat recorder, internet recorder, spouse, husband, cheating, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, windows
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