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SSL Certificate Scanner Tool Free Download


SSLCertScanner is the FREE SSL certificate scanner tool which can remotely scan, retrieve and validate the SSL certificate from any host either on the intranet or internet. You can either enter the IP address or name of the host such as Also it supports both HTTPS (port 443) as well as LDAPS (port 636) service for scanning SSL certificate. On successful completion, important certificate details are displayed along with status of validation. You can also view the complete details of SSL certificate by simply double clicking on it. Here are the main features of SSLCertScanner * Remotely scan SSL certificate on any host within the intranet or internet. * Support for scanning SSL certificate associated with LDAPS and HTTPS service. * View the complete SSL certificate of the host. * Displays detailed status for each host during scanning operation. * Automatically validates if the certificate is expired or not. * Option to stop the scan at any point during scanning operation. * Completely Portable Tool which also comes with optional Installer for assisting you in local Installation & Uninstallation. For more advanced features check out our Enterprise Edition, NetCertScanner at

Tags: sslcertscanner, certscanner, cert scanner, network certificate scanner, certificate scanner


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