Accurate and Fast PC Repair and Registry Clean-up: Fix PC Reg contains 5 major functions that restore the system to excellent condition. It will significantly increase execution speed, system stability, security and effectively lowers the probability of PC errors. Other important functions include "delete junk files" and "clean historical records"(a history cleaner).
Throughout a computer's life, increased use brings on the following problems: slow speed, the blue screen of death, deadlock errors and so on. Various annoying problems will be gradually increased. Fix PC Reg will supply your computer comprehensive and efficient solutions, that will restore your PC to excellent operating condition! Easy to use strong functions of Fix PC Reg make it a breeze to use. Wizard-operate function makes Fix PC Reg easy to use, even for non advanced computer users.
Key Features:
Registry Cleaner: [Revolutionary synchronous dual-engine technology for scanning]
Repairs all problems on the computer
Wizard-operate function Significantly increases execution speed
Effectively improves system stability
Lower the Probability of error in PC
Junk File Cleaner: [Clean the junk existing in the internet related directories,System, and software files]
Free up disk space
Extend the hard disk life
History Cleaner: [Clean all the historical records]
Cleans a total of 18 historical record locations
100% privacy protection
100% guaranteed results!
Tags: , registry, registry fixer, registry cleaner, registry repair, system maintainance, windows error, windows tweak, registry tools, mainainance tools, computer, windows cleaner, hard drive repair, clean hard drive, hard disk cleaner
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