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Employer Surveillance Tool Free Download


Employer Surveillance is an advanced monitoring/surveillance application which gives you full control over what your employees do on their computers. It helps in improving the productivity of your employees and protecting your company's security. It records all the computer activities of your employees such us screenshots, visited websites, keystrokes typed and executed programs on their computer. It lets you increase employees productivity by blocking activities that are not work related such as instant messengers, entertainment content, social networks, and games. It can also deny access to flash drives (pen drives and external hardisk), Windows tools such as Group Policies, Local Security Settings, Control Panel etc. It can deny Remote Log-In so that no one can access office computers from outside the organisation. It can also send reports of all the computer activities at your registered email ID. It is simple in installation and usage. So install it on your system and see the results of improved employee discipline and productivity. You can download now and try! for free

Tags: employer surveillance, corporate surveillance, employer control, employer, keylogger, employee monitor, block websites, download, utilities, windows, freeware, free, programs, tool, utility, computer


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