iSafe Employee Monitoring Software records and monitors your employee's activities and provides you on-site and remote access to employee's logs and computer screens in real time. About computer monitoring software.Best WorldClass monitoring software - iSafe Employee Monitoring Protect your company's assets with employee monitoring. Install iSafe Employee Monitor and forget it, and it keeps monitoring for you!
All-in-one-Record all computer activities, including:keystrokes,screenshots,websites surfed,microphone,Facebook,Myspace,clipboard,application used,USB Drive(Disk),CDRom,Printer,Documents used,2-Direction IM chatting(MSN,ICQ,AIM,Yahoo Messenger,Skype Incoming-and-Outgoing messages)...
Stealth-Work in completely Stealth(invisible,secretly) mode
Safe-All records are highly encrypted with AES 1024,no one but you can view or manage the logs
Secret-Completely self-hide. Not listed in Task Manager,Taskbar,Uninstall list and Start menu.Can not be detected by Registry clean or optimization tools or Windows' msconfig.exe
Live-Send logs timely to your E-mail address in background
Powerful,Easy-to-Use,High Efficiency,Convenient Log-View-and-Management Tool
Life-time FREE technical Support...
Compatible with Windows 7
1.Improve Employee Productivity
2.Real-Time Remote Monitoring
3.Save Screens and Keystrokes
4.A Centralized Employee Tracking System for Your Terminal Server
5.Enforce Corporate Policies
6.Prevent Security Breaches with Real-Time Monitoring
7.Improve Employee Productivity
8.What You See Is What You Get
9.Background Operation
Tags: activities, computer monitoring, remote monitor, access, internet monitoring, network, employee, computer surveillance, real time remote monitoring, keystrokes
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