Company website offers download demo version of key logger software to record and monitor office or home computer usages to analysis other user's activities what they exactly carry out in when you are not present. Advance PC monitoring software capable in recording user name and password that ever typed on your PC to access email accounts in hidden manner. Stealth keystroke recording application proven itself as one of the best PC monitoring tool among parents to find out whether kids using PC for relevant purpose or misuse it by chatting from stranger, watch irrelevant sites and many more. Hidden keyboard activity tracking software facilitates you to perform spy to find out your spouse loyalty by recording entire internet activities when you are in office or asleep. Spy program perform monitoring on employees work to prevent your business important and secrete files or data being transfer to any third party by using email facility that may cause large amount of loss to your business. Employee monitoring software enhances employee efficiency and productivity by keeping constant watch on their internet usages. Real time keystroke capturing application specifically develops to monitor window based systems to track all browsed web pages and send/received emails. Freeware key logger program acts as surveillance camera to take high quality screen shots to record all desktop application that provide advance option to view your PC usage from office by receiving email of all recorded data at specified interval.
* PC monitoring software efficiently record online (chat, browsing, download, email) and offline (typed documents, created files, password etc) activities on PC.
* Key logger software capable in logging each pressed keys to trace user name and password.
* Spy program efficiently works on window 7 and not required high configuration PC to install software.
* Key logger keystroke software does not appear on control panel, add/remove program and desktop.
Tags: freeware, download, keylogger, capture, keystroke, track, remote, keyboard, record, computer, clipboard, activities, trace, voice, conversation, utility, monitoring, chat, application, visited, internet, email, password, tool