Download creative keylogger for Mac OSX application that empowers computer holder to easily track all activities performed by business partners, spouse, company employees, friends, personal secretary and other guest users on your Macintosh operating system installed computer machine by monitoring full system and web access details as a spy in your absence. Advanced Mac OSX system tracking application enables software user to get exact pictorial status information of activities performed on computer machine by capturing periodic monitor screen images of work processed for easier evaluation of usage details by secondary person on computer system. Powerful and efficient keylogger of Mac operating system records all cut copy paste operations performed on file data and records by storing clipboard content when your Macintosh machine is operated by secondary person. Versatile Mac key logger utility provides option of automatic startup that executes your private spy software as Mac operating system launches on computer for monitoring and recording all work done without getting in consideration of guest person. Cost effective keylogger for Mac application presents finest facility to automatically send generated usage logs to owner specified email address at configured time holding detail tags of user name, access time etc. Professional Mac log manager software executes in stealth approach and created simple to evaluate HTML or TXT format encrypted log files and stores usage records at hidden password protected location of computer memory preventing unauthorized access.
* Mac log manager software automatically sends usage logs at owner specified email address.
* Mac keyboard logger program tracks all guest user pressed keys and creates simple HTML log files.
* Keylogger for Mac provides password setting preventing unauthorized access to view activity records.
* Key logger Mac OSX software records all process by executing in total covert surveillance manner.
Tags: generate, computer, usage, logs, html, format, keylogger, utility, secretly, track, record, work, performed, files, folders, accessed, monitor, tool, trace, website, chat, text, emails, copy, paste, clipboard, contents