KeyLogger NET Plus software controls your computer: records all keyboard keystrokes to Keylogger LogFile, all programs' starts, remembers passwords, Internet addresses and search engines' queries sending all collected data from LogFile to your E-mail. You can set time-periods of sending data from LogFile to E-mail (once in 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 hours).
You will not loose data typed on your computer keyboard! Best software for Parental Control!
All data transfers in encrypted mode that secures it from been watched by any third part.
The Motto of KeyLogger NET + is: "Set + Forget & Often Get!" - All data shall reach You in more often planned streaming mode.
KeyLogger NET Plus is more flexible than KeyLogger NET!
KeyLogger NET Plus key parameters:
Memorization of each Keylogger key stroke
Sending all recorded LogFile data to your E-mail address by chosen periods
Smart Keylogger LogFile diary
Fast Keylogger LogFile information searcher
System stressing is less than 0,002%
Classification of PC programs by types
Works with MS Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / 2008 / Win 7
This keyloggering software version can work with hidden Tray-icon
Not visible for computer users
Schedule start and key process work
Remote activation
Free 1-year updates!
KeyLogger NET Plus must be registered! It's blocked after installation.
You'll get your Registration Code by E-mail set while the installation process - choose the actvation method:
send Reg Code by SMS; pay with your Bank card thru PayPal system; transfer by WebMoney system.
See all instructions in E-mail and on KeyLogger.Pro site.
If You activate KeyLogger by SMS - send your Registration Code to your mobile provider number (from Help Menu - Registration window or KeyLogger site). This way KeyLogger NET Plus sahll be activated during 1 hour.
If You activate KeyLogger paying by your credit or debit card - use the Pay button on KeyLogger site Purchase page - send your Registration Code & your contact E-mail address.
Tags: keylogger, parental control, keylog, invisible keylogger, family keylogger, keystroke, logger, windows keylogger, keyloggers, stealth keylogger, perfect keylogger, family logger, remote keylogger
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