Member Track makes it easy for you to register, badge and track your members. Register members and capture their photo. Fingerprint and signature scanning are also options. Design and print plastic membership cards or issue temporary paper passes using the included industry-leading ID Flow badge design software. Check in and record entrance using networked check in stations or handheld scanners. See the member's record for verification. Access policies can be set and turnstiles may be triggered to unlock. Centralized management, networked data-sharing and reporting are included. Deployment across multiple stations and locations and integration with existing systems is supported.
The Member Track Advantage
Configurable Member Database
Select one of the pre-configured database or easily connect to your existing database. Define database fields that pertain to your needs. Layout fields using drag-and-drop tools, create drop-down lists, set default values and auto-format data. Import records from CSV, Excel files or other databases.
Fast Registration
The step-by-step registration process is easy for anyone to understand. Enter data and capture photos, signatures and fingerprints. Check for duplicate records automatically. Registration kiosks allow members to self- register.
Issue Professional Membership Cards
Design Professional ID cards and attendee badges using an integrated version of Jolly's card design suite. Include ID or 2D barcodes. Encode magnetic stripes and contactless cards. Print badges automatically after registration.
Track Entry and Set Policies
Use the check in function or kiosk check in stations to record each time a member enters the facility. Scan a barcode, magnetic stripe or contactless card. Set access policy by date, time, location, member type, expire date or number of entries. Capture additional information during check in, such as which class a member is attending or a fee paid.
Tags: member management, member tracking system, member tracking, member, member badge, badge, membership database
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