Detect,delete porn images,videos,text
Porn Terminator is one of the leading providers of porn deletion software. Our 2nd generation software offers a cutting edge SkinScan algorithm to detect
and delete, erase, remove and clean porn & pornography images by assessing skin-tone levels and distribution.
Most Internet users are unaware that they have porn on their computers. These porn files may have arrived accidentally, through received emails or by
simply surfing the Internet. Do you know that internet filters are NOT 100% effective & users can disable them.
Porn Terminator Erases porn tracks permanently. Leaves no traces. Deletes porn images, videos, audio and text. Cleans porn history, address bar, cookies
and temp internet files.
You can preview results before porn removal or deletion. Enhances the performance of your PC by freeing up disk space. The most advanced porn deletion
software on the market with cutting edge SkinScan Algorithm.
Porn Terminator uses a wide range of algorithms to detect porn on a PC. 2nd Generation SkinScan Technology – Nudity Detection in Images and Videos.
Porn Terminator employs that latest SkinScan algorithm to perform skin tone analysis on images. This enables Porn Terminator to detect skin color in
images. By opening an image and calculating the amount of skin and curvature, Porn Terminator is able to determine whether or not an image is pornography.
Porn videos are also detected using the SkinScan algorithm. For every video, various frames are scanned as images and the results are averaged to
determine if a video is pornorgraphy. Users have the option in the configuration settings to determine how many frames are scanned per video.
Since most porn files usually have obscene names, Porn Terminator utilizes a keyword-scanning algorithm to scan all files for obscene words in their name.
Such files include Internet history files, temporary Internet files, audio files, text files, and Microsoft
Tags: detect delete porn images, videos text