PrivacyScanner is part of PrivacyProtector project.
PrivacyProtector is safe private network without a way to block - unlike any VPN gateway or proxy based service.
Our Privacy Scanner shows how important information about You are being collected by various websites. You can see all sensitive info at a glance including Your IP address, operating system and browser model, even history of recently viewed pages.
Your every click leaves a lasting impression on the visited servers. On this basis, basically anyone can easily trace and recreate Your actions on the Web. Are You sure You don't care for it?
How to effectively hide Yourself on the Internet?
Imagine that the page you were just viewing is quickly cut into 1 000 small pieces. Someone is thoroughly mixed this puzzle and puts up to 1 000 small boxes. Each of them is a black box (You can not see what is inside), and is taken by one of the 1 000 hired couriers to deliver it at Your computer screen.
Even if someone intercepts some boxes, will never know what it is - because content is heavily encrypted plus this is only a part of information. Nothing can be learned from the couriers (computers), because they act as a relay team - no one carries one box all the way, but only a small part, passing each box to next one along the way. Needless to say relay path is never the same.
This is how the PrivacyProtector works.
This program encrypts all traffic outgoing from Your computer, divides it into small parts and sends it through always different routes. Nobody is able to track it back to You. It's like recovering sugar dissolved into cup of tea, which is mixed and drunk.
The program is completely legal and You will not get in trouble using this - same way as door locks are legal. Your have every right to protect Yourself in a way You see apriopriate. You won't notice any difference in speed of loading webpages and downloading files. The only difference is that nobody will notice You...
Tags: remote access, server, connection, , free, tunnel, virtual private network connection, secure virtual private network, virtual private network