SMS/MMS/E-Mail Spam Removal utility for Windows-based Mobile Devices. What is Spam, is best decided by YOU!
Have you ever grown tired of Spam cluttering your Mobile Devices' SMS/MMS/E-Mail Inbox?
Do you maintain and access multiple E-mail accounts from different providers on the same mobile device?
Are you annoyed by the quality of online anti-spam services?
Are you tired of waiting around until your Anti-Spam request is serviced?
Did you ever try to change the spam setting for e-mail messages you've received, which were incorrectly identified as spam?
Are you a victim of SMS/E-Mail-mobbing, or cyber-bullying?
Is someone actually stalking you by continuously sending unwanted messages?
SMSSpaminator removes these pesky and annoying messages with a click of a button. This little Sentinel monitors all incoming messages and keeps out those messages which you deem inappropriate (Out of sight, out of mind!). Messages identified as Spam are automatically moved to a special Spam folder and out of your InBox.
Even better, you can now apply the same spam rules uniformly to all your accounts with just a couple of mouse clicks.
If you receive messages from multiple e-mail accounts (different service providers), there is no longer a need to visit each provider to report a message as spam!
The moment you receive an message, which you find objectionable, simply click on the tool. Locate the message in question and click to create a new Spam rule. Filter based on Sender Id or Message Content (uses pattern recognition).
Use the Automated SMS Answering Service to send a custom response to every received SMS.
A Multi-Lingual User Interface to over 140 languages is available.
Support exists for Windows Mobile 5.0 & 6.0 for the PocketPC and SmartPhone platforms.
Tags: mail, spam mobbing, stalking, terminate, removal, windows, mobile, pocket, smart phone, database, sentinel
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