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ViPNet Password Roulette Free Download


ViPNet [Password Roulette] is an absolutely free of charge password generator. We have been working for decades on the software security market and have often met the problem that users cannot memorize true strong passwords, which are usually very long and impossible to remember. To help persons, who are in charge of the password management, INFOTECS released an absolutely free of charge software password generator, which generates random passwords so that they can be memorized easily. The innovation of this software is simple and genius. The passwords are derived from word phrases easy to remember. Often these phrases have a humorous touch facilitating the process of memorizing. The password list can be generated in 3 languages: English, German and Russian. Additionally ViPNet [Password Roulette] can generate random digital passwords. ViPNet [Password Roulette] generates a password phrase from which the password is compiled using parameters prior defined by the user. The password phrase, which can be generated in English, German and Russian (further languages planned), has the function of helping to memorize the password. The understanding of a password phrase is a grammatically correct sentence, which consists of words picked up from special dictionaries. These words have been randomly chosen by the random generator from special vocabularies. The number of words in a phrase can vary from three (subject, verb, object) to four (attribute, subject, verb, object). Furthermore it is possible to derive more complicated passwords by using two password phrases. The password is generated from the password phrase using the first letters of each word in the password phrase to compile the password. For example, a password, generated in English, using the first three letters of each word in the phrase, consisting of four words, would look as follows: Password - blilibabaath Password phrase - blind librarian abashes athlete (N=3, M=4)

Tags: password generator, free password generator, password roulette, pronouncable password, freeware password generator, free random password, vortex, diplodock, freeware, passw rtern, passw rter, passworterzeuger


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