An Active Directory domain consists of different AD objects such as users, computers, OUs, services, shares, DFS, printers and scheduled jobs. Therefore, administrators, Active Directory Manager in turns involve management of the constituent AD objects. In order to perform all the administrative tasks within a domain or a set of domain, various Active Directory Manager tools are available. Lepide Active Directory Manager effectively manages both local and remote domains within an Active Directory structure. The main server in any domain is the domain controller or the DC, which is responsible for replicating the changes done in other domains and, thus, updating the directory service.
Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) which provides a distributed database to store information about network resources and directory enabled applications is used by administrators to manage AD units like users, computers and other devices in an organized hierarchical manner. Lepide Active Directory Manager provides a single interface to carry out Active Directory domain management and manage the network components. The tool offers features and functionalities which help in administering both local and remote domains efficiently. The tool also offers various functionalities to control the activities of domain controllers.
The software offers interactive GUI and allows selecting multiple Users, Groups and computers and executing various operations such as add, delete, move, enable, disable, unlock, attribute management etc. on them. Selecting multiple Users, Computers and Groups allows administrator to manage Active Directory objects in bulk, thus, enhances efficiency of the process. For more information visit
Tags: active directory domain, active directory domain management, active directory tutorial, active directory management, active directory reports, active directory reporting, domain management, reporting
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