AMKSoft Remote Access gives professionals and office workers the ability to access resources remotely. Data stored on the company network or work PCs can be accessed without having to work on those machines physically. AMKSoft Remote Access provides the ability to establish a remote connection f anywhere, anytime to the computer you want to access.
AMKSoft Remote Access increases productivity, saves money on hardware and results in a robust and flexible staff that can accomplish more with less money. It is also very helpful in streamlining work flow, enhancing collaboration between employees and departments, enabling teleconferencing and telecommuting and many other areas of modern business and electronic commerce.
If your company doesn't already have a AMKSoft Remote Access, you should seriously consider getting one.
Key Features of AMKSoft Remote Access
1. Multiple monitors support of AMKSoft Remote Access lets you view the screen of any monitor attached to the remote host.
2. Clipboard transfer of AMKSoft Remote Access automatically or manually synchronizes the clipboards of the remote and local computers making it easy to copy and paste text between two PCs.
3. AMKSoft Remote Access can work in standalone mode as ordinary application providing ability to run it in restricted user accounts.
4. Command-line interface of AMKSoft Remote Access lets you automate such tasks as installing the software, controlling the server, or running the client.
5. Remote reboot of AMKSoft Remote Access lets you send a restart command to a remote PC without loading its screen.
6. AMKSoft Remote Access runs in safe mode. Lets you restart remote computer in safe mode and take control after restart.
7. List of connected of AMKSoft Remote Access users lets you view the users connected to the server and forcibly disconnect individual users or all of them instantly.
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