Craigslist posting software, and automated classified posting tool. This software will do all your online marketing for you by placing your business advertisements on craigslist. Get back to succesfully running your business, and let this amazing equipment do your busines advertising. RainMaker will automatically bypass craigslist captchas, create craigslist accounts, submit youtube videos, place ads, keep track of flagged and deleted ads, enable you to schedule when your ads should be placed. You can also use colorfull and actractive HTML ads to promote your business or product. The program can also be found at and registered for use.Our software is capable of fully automating your ad placement by typing the craigslist security code for you. This feature is what makes our software the only fully automated marketing program. The feature can be turned of and the captchas can be typed manually. The captcha success rate is 100%. Our software is aimed to provide full automation for business marketing and this feature is a key in the automation process.Many Craigslist marketers are having troubles with changing their IP addresses when posting in different cities. This feature lets you post in your home town when your out of town on a business trip. The IP can be changed in several ways, and even works for ADSL users. Its it done using an IP service. The software can also change some users IP without using the service.The RainMaker auto poster is the leader when it comes to placing your business ads on craigslist. The software is designed and aimed at the small business owner wanting to automat their craigslist marketing. Users can simply insert their ads into the software and schedule the desired time for their ads to be placed, giving you more time to run your business. The conversion rate of craigslist users are very high, and your business will be provided with an automated stream of clients.
Tags: marketing, craigs, posting, free posting, classified placing, advertising, craigs poster, craigs posting, free marketing, placing