Network Spy Surveillance Software is a powerful, award-winning, monitoring and supervising solution for the corporate or personal network. NetVizor lets you monitor your entire network from one centralized location. allows you to track workstations and individual users that may use multiple PC's on a network.
With real-time remote surveillance, individual user monitoring, and remote administration capabilities is the most comprehensive network monitoring and security solution available!
Website Filtering
NetVizor allows you to control access to websites.
Remote System Mouse Freeze Control
NetVizor allows you to freeze and unfreeze the remote PC's mouse with a single click. This NetVizor feature can be combined with the Remote Lockdown command for powerful security and control of the remote PC.
Remote Website Launching
With NetVizor you can launch a website on the remote PC for the remote user to view.
Remote Message Display
Display a message for the remote user to read. NetVizor allows you to send warnings or simple messages to the remote PC.
Remote Application Launching
NetVizor allows you to launch a program on the remote PC for the remote user to use.
Keystroke Monitoring
NetVizor monitors and logs all keystrokes along with the application window and time they are typed in.
Internet Connections
NetVizor monitors and logs all internet sessions made on the PC. This includes FTP, HTTP, POP3 and any other TCP connections.
Internet Conversations
NetVizor monitors and logs all chat conversations made on AOL, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, and ICQ.
Find out what is really happening on your computer and network REAL TIME MONITORING!
Tags: network monitoring, network surveillance, covert surveillance, internet, keystroke logger, monitor internet conversations, chat monitor, computer monitoring, employee monitoring, keylogger, , surveillance, recording
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