Perfect Uninstaller is a better and easier way for you to completely uninstall any unwanted application that standard Windows Add/Remove Programs can't remove.
* Uninstall any unwanted or corrupted application on your PC.
* Forcibly remove corrupted programs that cannot be uninstalled from Windows Add/ Remove Programs.
* Clean all registry entries and drivers that the applications left over.
* Show detailed information of a certain application installed in your computer.
* Back up PC system files whenever you boot PC to restore system easily once PC crashes.
* Completely remove Adobe, Aol Toolbar, Avast,etc
With Perfect Uninstaller, you can uninstall any unwanted application on your PC easier and faster. The standard Add /Remove Programs can not always completely uninstall all applications and broken registry keys. Unlike Add/Remove Programs, Perfect Uninstaller not only uninstall the applications, but also wipe out the left registry files. It will protect your PC from corrupted registry errors , improving your PC performance and speed!
Features And Benefits
* Faster than the Add/Remove Programs that comes with Windows.
* Expert on Force Uninstall any corrupted programs stuck on PC.
* Forcibly display and remove hidden applications which may run on PC without your permission.
* Remove programs that could not be removed completely from Windows Add/Remove Program.
* Completely clean the empty / corrupted registry entries that a certain application left over.
* Protect your registry from empty / corrupted errors and improve your PC performance.
* Backup registry so as to restore system easily when Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/VISTSA32/VISTA64/WINDDOWS 7 crashes.
* Fast navigate to the folder where you install the application to uninstall.
* Easy of use and friendly user interface.
* Provide different ways of application view style: by Icons, by List, by Details.
* Show details of currently installed applications.
Tags: perfect uninstaller, repair error, remove adobe, toolbar, avast, eset, internet explorer, mcafee, microsoft office