Telephone switches can be found in all medium and large sized companies. Unfortunately only a few companies manage to exploit their switch’s features to the full benefit of the company and customers. Employees spend too much time punching in numbers, which have been noted down on yellow stickers, and misunderstanding the telephone’s special keys. Perhaps most importantly, employees often wait for the customer to call them instead of seizing the initiative themselves to provide better customer care. This is not always due to a lack of verve among the employees; rather it is often because there are no tools to support the efficient use of the telephone.
This is where TAPIMaster® comes in – simplifying and accelerating the use of the telephone from computer work places. TAPIMaster® allows the user to access functions per mouse click instead of via complicated sequences on the telephone keypad. Caller identification, group functions and telephone books allow you to work faster. You can integrate the product into existing software to control input forms and to display customer data as necessary. The user can handle more calls in the same amount of time. Availability is improved.
The main object is not to reduce a company’s telephone bill. The product is much more directed at improving the contact to customers. In a difficult and competitive market, keeping existing customers is a top priority. Intensive customer care is an important precondition for keeping those customers. Don’t let your competitors get ahead of you when it comes to proactive customer care. This CTI software represents good value for money with support for a wide range of PBXs. The software can easily be integrated into other products and will pay for itself in a short time.
You can perform almost unlimited tests on the software before buying. Since you can use TAPIMaster® up to 4 clients for free, a tight budget is no reason to do without CTI.
Tags: tapi, third, party, csta