This is a useful image remover software tool developed with the objective to automate image removal process. Tool is mandated to remove images contained in multiple MS word documents in single operation. Need to remove images from MS word files can arise due to different reasons. At times users find it difficult to attach files to emails simply because total file size of all attachments exceeds permitted limit. In such a scenario user needs to shrink size of files to make them attachable. One way to do this is to remove images contained in the files. At times images hinder readability and act as eyesores. This tool can be very beneficial in such a situation. Users can remove all images contained in multiple files automatically using this automation tool. This automatically enhances readability of these files. USP of this tool is it can process multiple files simultaneously. Removing multiple images in multiple files can be a lengthy process if not using an automation tool. This makes image remover software tools very important. Recognizing importance of image remover tools, we have come up with this tool. The tool is very simple to use and users need to follow few simple steps for most operations. First step in the process is to add files from which images need to be removed. Users can add files by using either ‘add files’ button or ‘add folder’ button. Using ‘add folder’ button users can save considerable time by adding multiple files contained in a particular folder automatically. Users can remove added files if need arises. Tool can be used to remove images from both Page area and Header and Footer. Users can remove images of MS word files of different formats like DOC, DOCX and RTF. Tool boasts of enviable processing speed and is compatible with different windows platforms. USP of this tool is it can process large number word files of different formats like DOC, DOCX or RTF in a single batch process. Tool is compatible with different windows platforms.
Tags: image remover, remove images word, image remove from word, remove image, word picture remover, images
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