New software to manage color codes.
Carry your colors from one application to another, store your colors in a unique place.
In addition to having all the HEX and RGB formats (HTML, PhotoShop, C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint), it is :
- Fast :
Once a color has been picked, the code is automatically copied to memory.
One click and the color is named and saved.
One click and a color is loaded and its code copied.
One-click image pasting.
One-click web page pasting.
- Convenient :
All your colors are stored in a unique place.
An expandable panel for your reference images,
Another for your reference web pages.
Auto-refresh feature.
Tags: color picker, color finder, color, colors, codes, code, html, wheel, palette, delphi, photoshop, word, excel, powerpoint, access
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